Sheriff William F. Honsal | Humboldt Sheriff’s Office website
Sheriff William F. Honsal | Humboldt Sheriff’s Office website
The application period for Measure Z funding is now open, allowing community members to propose projects that enhance public safety or provide essential services. Applications will be accepted until February 14 at 5 p.m., with $1.3 million available for local project proposals.
Measure Z, a half-cent sales tax on most local purchases, was initially approved by voters in November 2014 and renewed in 2018. The Board of Supervisors has used these funds to support various public safety initiatives. These include funding volunteer fire departments for equipment and planning, reducing fire hazards through the Humboldt County Roadway/Evacuation Route and Firebreak Wildfire Resiliency Project, maintaining ambulance services for K’ima:w Medical Center and Southern Trinity Area Rescue (STAR), hiring additional rural patrol deputies, and supporting a drug task force agent in the Fortuna Police Department.
To apply for Measure Z funds, applicants must visit the county's website to download necessary documents and submit their applications online. Requirements include a description of the proposal and budget, a sustainability plan without relying on Measure Z funding, and an explanation of how the request serves as an essential service or enhances public safety.
Applications are due by February 14 at 5 p.m., after which the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Measure Z Expenditures will evaluate them starting February 27. This committee is expected to finalize its recommendations in early March.
While online submissions are preferred, those unable to access the application can contact the Humboldt County Administrative Office via email at or phone at 707-455-7266 to request physical copies. Applications can also be collected from Room 112 at the Humboldt County Courthouse in Eureka.
The Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Measure Z Expenditures consists of nine members with two alternate seats advising the Board of Supervisors on fund allocation. The committee meets every Thursday in March to review applications and recommend projects aimed at improving community safety.
Committee members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors from each supervisorial district along with representatives from the Sheriff’s Office and Fire Chiefs’ Association. Current members include Dylan Feierabend (First District), Tami Trent (Second District), Ginger Campbell (Third District), Nicholas Kohl (Fourth District), Darcy Miller (Fifth District), Sue Long (At-Large), Nick Pape (Fire Chiefs’ Association Representative), Sheriff William Honsal (Sheriff’s Office Representative), Taylin Titus (Alternate).
Interested parties can view agendas and other materials related to Measure Z on its web page or sign up for notifications about upcoming meetings.