Sheriff William F. Honsal | Humboldt Sheriff’s Office website
Sheriff William F. Honsal | Humboldt Sheriff’s Office website
The 2024 application period is now open for the Humboldt County Agricultural Access Pass Program. Agricultural producers are encouraged to apply for an Agricultural Access Pass before the next emergency strikes.
The pass, which must be renewed annually, allows qualifying agricultural producers and livestock operators to enter evacuation zones or other restricted areas to provide feed, water, veterinary care, irrigate crops, fuel emergency generators, or support peace officers and emergency personnel. Activities not currently allowed through this program include harvesting or sowing crops, food processing, and facility repairs.
“Humboldt County has been impacted by evacuation-triggering wildfire every year for the past four years, often impacting our most rural communities,” Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal said. “These evacuations can create devastating impacts on an agriculture business; however, this program provides a pathway for agricultural business owners and ranchers to maintain their livelihood while emergency responders work to make our communities safe.”
Due to requirements under California Assembly Bill 1103 (AB 1103), applicants must complete wildfire behavior training prior to submitting their application. This training and the application form can be found online on the Agriculture Access Pass Program webpage. For more information on AB 1103, please visit California's AB 1103 webpage.
Agricultural producers and commercial livestock owners must complete the required training and submit their application to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) by Tuesday, December 31, 2024, for verification and enrollment into the Agricultural Access Pass Program. Once enrolled, participants will be issued a personalized pass that may be used to gain entrance into an evacuation zone or other restricted area for approved activities based on safety conditions and incident status.
The passes will be administered through county OES in partnership with the county Agricultural Commissioner’s Office and the Planning & Building Department. The pass is issued to an individual rather than a business or LLC. Once issued an access pass, agricultural producers within a declared evacuation zone must notify county OES or the county Agricultural Commissioner’s Office of their interest in accessing their property. Authorization will be given daily in conjunction with the designated Incident Commander based on emergency conditions.
Following notification, pass holders can access their property through a law enforcement checkpoint during daylight hours. Only individuals who have taken the required training and been issued an approved access pass may enter restricted areas; non-pass holders cannot accompany them onto their property. The Agricultural Access Pass does not grant authority to stay at one's residence or business when an evacuation order is issued.
The access passes will be valid through Wednesday, December 31, 2025.
Humboldt County residents can learn more about the Agricultural Access Pass Program and apply at
All Humboldt County residents are encouraged to prepare now for emergencies by assembling an emergency supply kit and creating a family communication plan. Residents should also check their designated evacuation zone at as part of preparedness efforts. To receive up-to-date information and emergency alerts, sign up for Humboldt ALERT.